Sumake is a manufacturer and exporter specializing in professional high quality pneumatic tools, compressors and accessories suited to a wide range of applications including industrial and automotive.
They are an innovative company.
As a result of constant research and investment they keep at the forefront of current technology and design, thus providing energy efficient, durable and reliable products to industrial markets around the world.
They offer a wide, comprehensive range of CE certified tools and accessories including: Impact Wrenches, Ratchet Wrenches, Drills, Grinders, Hammers, Sanders, Screwdrivers, Spray Guns, Riveters, Nail Guns and Bradders, just to name a few.
Their compressor facility located near Shanghai is a joint venture with Lacme (France) exporting the highest quality cast iron pumps globally.
Certified to ISO 9001 they run efficient well organized computerized Q.C. systems that ensure they meet quality, packaging and delivery benchmarks. They guarantee their customers complete spare parts back up for everything they provide.
Superior service to their customers is not a goal, it's a reality.
Sumake, partners in business.
Tooling Promotions can supply you with all your Sumake product requirements.